What is Rock N Roll Archaeology?

Rock N Roll Archaeology (RNRA) is more than a podcast; it’s an immersive, carefully researched and produced audio documentary.

RNRA explores the history of Rock Music, and then goes a step further. We contextualize Rock N Roll; we place it within the cultural, political, and technological landscapes of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

With storytelling, commentary, and a dash of musicology, we explore how music, culture, and technology interact and affect each other—how they ARE each other.

Christian Swain, Host and Producer

“I’m a big music fan and I’m a big podcast fan from way back, too. I especially like podcasts about history–Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History is a good example. Back in early 2015, I looked around for a good podcast about the history of Rock N Roll, and I couldn’t find one! That was kind of a surprise. So I decided to create one, and I called on some old friends to help with it.”

Two truths and a lie about Christian:

  • Christian is the founder and CEO of Pantheon Media, LLC;

  • He had a successful career in Tech before he started podcasting;

  • When he was the lead singer for Queen–in between Freddy Mercury and Adam Lambert–Christian got along with Brian May, but the other guys didn’t like him!

Meet the RNRA Team

Richard Evans, Head Writer

“Some of the first good feedback from RNRA listeners came from teachers and academics. That was unexpected, and really gratifying. It told us we were on the right track. We definitely have a point of view; but we work hard at being fair, and at presenting context.”

Two truths and a lie about Richard: 

  • Richard studied Journalism and Mathematics in college; 

  • He blogs on Medium and you can find RNRA content there, including previews and sneak peeks; 

  • When he won a Pulitzer Prize (Category: Erotic Fiction), Richard gave his acceptance speech via a Zoom Call!

Jerry Danielsen, Sound Designer

“It’s both a technical and a creative challenge to put these episodes together; there are lots of different streams that need to be integrated–commentary, recorded music, effects, incidental music, just to name a few. We want to build something that lasts, something that holds up, and so far, so good.” 

Two truths and a lie about Jerry:

  • Jerry owns and operates Busy Signal Recording Studios in Southern California; 

  • He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Theory from California Institute of the Arts, and he’s on the executive committee of the Audio Engineering Society; 

  • When he was Frank Zappa’s guitar teacher, Jerry told FZ that he needs to take music more seriously!

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